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Valente Center

Past Undergraduate Fellows Seminars

SPRING 2019:

Program Theme: "Democratic Dystopias to Totalitarian Utopias: Exploring Government Through the Eyes of the Science Fiction Genre"
Coordinator: Rob DeLeo, Global Studies 
Faculty: Rob A. Deleo [Department of Global Studies], Sung-eun Choi [Department of History], Janis Gogan, [Department of Information and Process Management], & Chris Skipwith [Department of Natural and Applied Sciences]
Books: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Infomocracy by Malka Older

SPRING 2018:

Program Theme: "Exploring Human Morality"
Coordinator: Christian Rubio, Department of Modern Languages
Faculty: Elizabeth Brown [Department of Law and Taxation], Cynthia Clark [Department of Management], Johannes (Hans) Eijmberts [Department of Global Studies], & Christian Rubio [Department of Modern Languages]
Books: To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee and Go Set A Watchman Harper Lee

Fall 2017:

Program Theme: "The Psychology of Guilt"
Coordinator: Christian Rubio, Department of Modern Languages
Faculty: David Yates [Computer Information Systems], Otgo Erhemjamts [Finance], Christian Rubio [Modern Languages], Jeff Gulati [Global Studies], & Samir Dayal [English and Media Studies]
Books: Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky

SPRING 2017:

Program Theme: "Big Brother is Watching: Government Surveillance and Society"
Coordinator: Christian Rubio, Department of Modern Languages
Faculty: Christian Rubio [Department of Modern Languages], Rob Deleo [Global Studies], Gregory Farber-Mazor [English and Media Studies], Donna Fletcher [Finance], & Monica Garfield [Computer Information Systems]
Books: 1984 George Orwell and V for Vendetta by Alan Moore

SPRING 2016:

Program Theme: "Music and Culture"
Coordinator: Greg Hall, Natural and Applied Sciences
Faculty: Tamara Babaian [Computer Information Systems], Marcy Crary [Management], Christian Rubio [Modern Languages], Heikki Topi [Computer Information Systems]
Books: Music in America: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture by Adelaida Reyes and Thinking Musically: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture by Bonnie C. Wade

FALL 2015:

Program Theme: "What is Knowledge"
Coordinator: Tony Buono [Management]
Faculty: David Gulley [Economics], Vicki Lafarge [Management], Patricia Peknik [English and Media Studies], and Bill Schiano [CIS]
Books: The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by William James and The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary Edition Paperback - [2012] by Thomas S. Kuhn

SPRING 2015:

Program theme: "American Exceptionalism"
Coordinator: Mike Frank, English and Media Studies
Faculty: Andy Aylesworth [Marketing], Gregory Farber-Mazor [English and Media Studies], Jane Griffin [Modern Languages], and Swati Mukerjee [Economics]
American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword by Seymour Martin Lipset
The American Puritans: Their Prose and Poetry by Perry Miller
The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (American Empire Project) by Andrew J. Bacevich