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Diversity & Inclusion


Bentley University has partnered with a variety of organizations to enhance activities related to diversity. The following partnerships are a vital part of our efforts and a demonstration of our commitment.

Massachusetts Business School Collaborative

A group of nine business and management schools that have joined forces to recruit underrepresented faculty of color to the nation’s most dynamic academic region. Since 2010, these schools that normally compete for new faculty have come together to make their faculties more inclusive, connected, and culturally competent. The member schools, a collaborative within the Commonwealth Compact, also combine efforts to create a supportive and stimulating environment that values new faculty and encourages them to build their careers here in Massachusetts.

Boston Women’s Compact

A voluntary pledge that over 50 companies in Boston have signed to indicate their commitment to closing the gender wage gap in the workplace. By signing the Compact, employers commit to understanding the gender wage gap and the underlying causes that contribute to the gap; reviewing the evidence-based interventions in the Council’s report, conducting a self-assessment of any interventions they have already implemented internally, and implementing or undertaking to improve three interventions tailored to their workplace; and participating in a biennial review to discuss successes and challenges, as well as contributing data to a report compiled by a third party on the Compact’s success to date.

Commonwealth Compact:

A project organized by three of Boston's civic and business leaders and supported by several dozen others, is committed to concrete steps aimed at making Boston a welcoming, diverse place to live and work for all people. 

The PhD Project:

Founded on the premise that advancements in workplace diversity could be propelled forward by increasing the diversity of business school faculty, their expansive network of supporters, sponsors and universities helps African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Native Americans attain their business PhD and become the business professors who will mentor the next generation of leaders.