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Spotlight: Neha Singh ’15

Kristen Walsh

Neha Singh ’15 isn’t a baker by trade, but she knows a thing or two about cookies. Her work at the Girl Scouts of the USA aims to help young entrepreneurs get the signature treats into customers’ hands — and learn the art of good business.

“The Girl Scout Cookie Program is an opportunity for girls to develop key skills like money management, goal setting and public speaking,” explains Singh, a strategy analyst at the 107-year-old organization. “The program helps them to become leaders in whichever fields they choose and to have a positive impact in their community.”

With cookie sales helping to support activities at the local, regional and national levels, the program’s smooth operation is essential. Singh’s current focus is implementing a digital payment system at eight of the organization’s 112 councils. The potential boost in revenue would benefit Girl Scout programs across the U.S.

“Digital payments will help girls learn the value of incorporating technology when running their cookie business,” says the alumna, a former Economics Finance major. “We want girls to have the skills to not only compete in today’s marketplace but also improve their communities and the world.”

Singh’s own experience with community outreach includes serving as a Fulbright Scholar in France from October 2017 to April 2018. She taught at a public high school outside Paris as well as conducted research on how refugees use entrepreneurship as a route to integration.

“I gained sensitivity and insight into the importance of building for inclusion. This has served me well in determining how to best introduce a non-cash cookie payment option that could be used by our girls in every community across the country. Today, understanding the role of technology in business is crucial.”