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Gallup 2023 Menu

Business in Society Report

What does good business look like in the age of AI? In this second annual Bentley-Gallup survey, we asked 5,458 people across America where they think businesses are having a positive impact – and where they are coming up short. Here is one of the key findings.

How to make workers happier? 77% of Americans say offer a 4-day workweek and 66% say limit email outside work

If your employer did the following, what type of effect would it have on your wellbeing?

Percentage saying it would have a Somewhat or Extremely Positive effect
If your employer did the following, what type of effect would it have on your wellbeing?

"Many companies have successfully implemented flex-time and work-from-anywhere policies, but to earn their employees’ trust, they need to go beyond drafting a policy in a handbook. Supervisors need to 'walk the walk' by modeling and supporting flexible work on a daily basis." 

Susan Vroman
Lecturer in Management
Bentley University

"'Right to disconnect' laws that limit after-hours employee communication expectations have already passed in France, Italy, Spain, and Canada – and for good reason. Being connected to work 24/7 inhibits employee recovery from stress and ultimately leads to burnout. That’s a lose-lose proposition for organizations and their employees."

Brandon Smit 
Assistant Professor of Management
Bentley University