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Tax Form

Tax season is in full swing, and so are the stress levels that come along with it. Small-business owners can take a deep breath and take advantage of free tax advice at a series of taxpayer workshops at Bentley University on Monday, March 4. The program is geared toward entrepreneurs of all kinds, and even those just starting to think about opening a business.

“Our goal is to make tax season more manageable by converting complex technical information into easily understood facts,” explains Associate Professor of Accountancy Tracy Noga, who developed the workshops four years ago in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service and the Bentley Service-Learning Center.

Offerings include:

  • Starting Up Your Business: 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.
  • Figuring Out Your Income Part I: 7:15 to 8:00 p.m.
  • Figuring Out Your Income Part II: 8:00 to 8:45 p.m.
  • Hiring Help in Your Business: 8:45 to 9:30 p.m.

Workshops open with a presentation by student teams from Bentley’s accounting degree Advanced Taxation course. The floor then opens for questions that have included topics such as deductions, self-employment taxes, employee hiring classifications, and payroll taxes. Noga stands by ready to help answer queries.

“Students have exhaustively researched their assigned topics, and practiced fielding questions with their professor and classmates,” Noga says of the presenters. “It is a win-win situation as students enhance research and presentation skills, and the audience takes advantage of professional, IRS-approved tax advice.”

To recruit workshop participants, Noga relies on a network of community-based organizations, such as the Northeast Veteran’s Resource Center, which assists veterans in starting their own businesses; the Waltham and Watertown-Belmont Chambers of Commerce; and the Boston-based Center for Women and Enterprise. The workshops also get a boost from advertising on the IRS website.

The popular program has received positive reviews by all sides.

“I’ve been delighted with how much the participants appreciate the service we’re providing,” says Noga. “I love the way the students step up to the challenge. They really embrace the project and do an awesome job.”

The workshops will take place at the Bentley campus, 175 Forest Street, LaCava Room 375, in Waltham. Participants can attend one or more sessions, and no registration is necessary. For questions, please contact Tracy Noga at 781.891.2432 or email