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Hi Bentley Blog Community!

My name is Maura Robinson and I am an ELMBA student 2015 cohort. Since entering business school, I have had a realization that has reshaped the way I view my daily tasks. This realization is simple and may seem obvious to some, but believe it or not I had not understood or accepted this concept until I began my graduate career at Bentley. This apprehension lies in the idea that each action and decision you make today is building your future and circumstances for tomorrow. Every decision, action, and thought, no matter how small, has shaped your path and directed you to where you are today. In the past I had often put off changing my habits and making the difficult choices because I thought I had time to change or that these small decisions would not have a significant impact on my life. I have learned this is a form of procrastination and avoidance and goals are achievable in shorter time periods if I simply begin working on them today. People are able to shape the future and decide their directions by simply deciding what they will accomplish and ensuring that each action builds towards the end goal. It is such an empowering idea that every vision of the future can be realized by simply acting in a way that builds towards these goals.  

If we develop positive habits and be mindful that our actions are adding value to our future, our life will eventually resemble the one we have always imagined for ourselves. I think many of us are already ahead of the curve, because being in business school is an investment in your future and exemplifies taking an action today that builds a future for tomorrow. We have all entered the graduate program with an end goal in mind, it’s taking the idea of making value added decisions and applying it in everyday life and habits that will continue to propel us towards our vision.