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Placement in a Modern Language Course

The Modern Languages (ML) Department uses a combination of tools to determine where you should begin your language study at Bentley, including online placement exams, guidelines based on high school study of a foreign language, and individual assessment by professors during the first week of classes. Please read the information below to help determine where to start your language study at Bentley University.

Online Placement Tools

The first step for students wishing to study languages is to use our online assessment tool. Under this assessment, you will be provided with a certificate specifying your language proficiency level. Save this certificate because you may have to show it to your instructor. Please note that during the first week of classes each semester, ML professors conduct brief and individual interviews with their students to ensure proper class placement. These interviews typically take place in the target language. If a professor feels the student has been placed in the wrong level (despite having used the above listed guidelines), the student may be moved to a more appropriate class (based on class and space availability and the student’s schedule). 


Advanced Standing Credits 

Incoming Bentley students receive credits for advanced standing credits, such as Advanced Placement (AP) International Baccalaureate (IB), and Seal of Biliteracy. For more information regarding course equivalencies, check out this Admissions page.

Please note, once Bentley course credits are granted for any advanced credit, students may not repeat that same course at Bentley or they will relinquish the credits given. Moreover, once students have taken a course beyond the 202 level, they may not go back and take a lower-level course in the beginner or intermediate sequences. It is advised that students contact the appropriate professor for additional information about interest in registering for a particular advanced course.



For additional information contact:

For Chinese, Fei Yu

For Italian, Professor Alessia Dalsant 

For Spanish and other languages, Professor Christian Rubio