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Ombuds Office

The Ombuds Office provides a safe, confidential, informal and impartial place for faculty, staff and students to discuss concerns and actual or potential conflicts and to address them in a positive and constructive way.

Impartial Communication

The Ombuds Office at Bentley serves as a confidential and independent conduit for expressing concerns, ensuring that your communications remain private and neutral. This role provides an impartial space for exploring solutions to issues without fear of repercussion.

Conflict Resolution and Advising

The Ombuds serves as a neutral facilitator in resolving conflicts, whether they involve individuals, departments, groups, or teams. By providing guidance and coaching, the advisor empowers you to engage in direct, constructive, and respectful conversations to resolve conflicts confidentially and impartially.

Consult for Systemic Improvement

Beyond addressing individual concerns, the Ombuds Office consults on patterns and trends that impact employee performance and morale. This can lead to impartial systemic changes to improve the organizational environment and enhance overall workplace culture.

Eliane Markoff headshot
Eliane Markoff
University Ombuds, Office of the President
Room 204 in Smith

Eliane comes from the business and academic world.  She worked twenty years for a Fortune 500 high tech company managing work forces in the United States and Europe.
She held positions in Manufacturing, in Research and Development and in Marketing.
She also lent her considerable listening and mediation skills as an unofficial ombuds to build bridges among corporate divisions and individuals who needed to collaborate to be successful.  With a high emotional IQ, Markoff brings creative solutions to workplace conflicts. She has mediated shareholder disputes within close corporations and conflicts among family members over will and estate contests.  

Markoff was Adjunct Professor at Bentley University teaching organizational behavior and conflict resolution to both undergraduate and graduate students.  Prior to rejoining Bentley as Ombuds, she launched the Ombuds Office at Wheelock College after serving on its board of trustees for 6 years.
Eliane is one of the 125 women to appear in Boston Globe's Bill Brett's book, Inspirational Women of Boston.  She is one of the Wellesley residents honored in 2012 by the Wellesley Free Library Foundation as an individual who has had an impact within and beyond the Wellesley Community. Eliane was also honored in 2011 with the Giving Back Award by Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology (WEST). She is co-Founder of the gallery Art in Giving.
Eliane received her mediation training from the Cambridge Dispute Resolution and
the Boston Law Collaborative.

Markoff is fluent in French and Arabic and earned her MBA from Boston College
and her BA in Economics from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Markoff featured in Bentley Magazine: How and Why to Calm Conflict

Bentley's Ombuds featured by the International Ombuds Association

I very much appreciate the exquisite facilitation skills and for your commitment to enabling this university to reach its full potential.

Reflections of the Bentley Ombuds

"Reflections of the Bentley Ombuds" by Eliane Markoff is essentially a handbook on how to deal with conflicts at Bentley. It uses personal stories and the company's core values to teach ways to manage and solve conflicts. It highlights the importance of understanding and teamwork and introduces several initiatives, like the "Reach Out Initiative," to encourage everyone at Bentley to actively work on resolving conflicts and building a stronger, more connected community.

View the Booklet

Bentley Ombuds pic
reach out pic

"Reach Out" initiative

Unveil the power of appreciation with Bentley University's latest Reach Out initiative, designed to foster a positive academic environment through gratitude. Discover how simple acts of acknowledgment can enhance well-being, empower individuals, and strengthen relationships within the community. As we embrace the new semester, let's transform everyday interactions into opportunities for mutual growth and happiness.

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Creating "good conflict"

Discover how to harness the constructive potential of conflict in the workplace with insights from a seasoned mediator and ombudsperson. Explore practical strategies to transform conflict into collaborative opportunities, enhancing understanding, respect, and productivity. Learn to approach conflict proactively through effective communication and problem-solving techniques that benefit individuals and teams alike.

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good conflict pic
Failure to success

A key element of success: failure

Explore the unexpected virtues of failure in achieving long-term success through real-life examples of famous personalities who turned setbacks into stepping stones. Understand why embracing failure is crucial for growth, and how it can pave the way for resilience and remarkable achievement. Delve into the stories of icons like Michael Jordan and Walt Disney to learn how past failures can ignite a brighter, more successful future.

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Respectful Disagreements

Navigating disagreements at work can be challenging, but it's essential for growth and maintaining respectful relationships. This guide emphasizes the importance of listening patiently, understanding differing viewpoints, and seeking common ground. It also provides strategies for addressing disagreements with managers respectfully, ensuring that all parties feel heard and valued. By following these principles, you can handle conflicts effectively and foster a positive, collaborative environment.

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Respectful Disagreements

Reframing in Conflict Resolution

Learn how reframing allows us to see conflicts from new perspectives, reducing misunderstandings and uncovering shared goals. By focusing on actions rather than labeling individuals, we foster empathy and clearer communication. This technique aids in resolving conflicts and maintaining positive relationships through mutual understanding and collaboration.

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