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Update on Coronavirus Travel Restrictions

March 2, 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff,

The Cabinet continues to monitor travel advisories from the Centers for Disease Control for areas impacted by the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The CDC has issued Level 3 advisories for China, Iran, South Korea and Italy, recommending against nonessential travel to those countries. In conformance with those advisories, Bentley is not authorizing travel by community members to those countries, and any community members who are currently in one of these four countries should return home. Please note that the countries listed by the CDC as Level 3 may change daily. Bentley will not authorize or condone travel to any country that reaches Level 3.

If you are traveling back to the United States from any Level 3 country, before returning to campus, please carefully review the CDC tips for travelers (click on the advisory for the country you traveled to) and notify your Bentley vice president or your dean, who will consult with the provost. Evolving CDC guidelines may require self-quarantine before returning to work.

If you are planning international travel on Bentley’s behalf in March to a country not currently under a CDC advisory, please notify and coordinate with your vice president or your dean, as the university is reviewing all nonessential, international business travel. The health and wellness of all members of this community is our top priority.

In addition to CDC travel advisories, we are following the CDC’s guidelines for employers and employees. As always, please remember that if you are feeling ill, stay home and take advantage of Bentley’s paid sick time policy. If you feel ill while at work, please leave your office immediately and check with your doctor. These guidelines are always in place on campus but are especially important to remember as we track COVID-19.

If you have any questions, please ask your supervisor for more information. And remember, all of this information can be found at, where we will continue to post community updates.

The Bentley University Cabinet

Alison Davis-Blake
Donna Maria Blancero
Josh Brand
George Cangiano
Carolina Figueroa
Maureen Flores
Maureen Forrester
Christopher Joyce
Amanda King
Judy Malone
Andrew Shepardson
Bob Wittstein