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Valente Center

Undergraduate Travel Grant

Undergraduate Travel Fund

The undergraduate research travel fund is designed to allow students to explore research opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach due to funding issues. The fund primarily supplies travel grants for undergraduate students who wish to attend a conference to present research results, but can also award grants for students who require travel accommodations to engage in research-related activities including, but not limited to workshops. poster sessions, and collecting data (e.g. field research, conducting interviews, archive visits, etc.).

To be considered, the student must demonstrate how their project will impact both their scholarship at Bentley and the greater Bentley community. Examples of deliverables include:

  • A research paper or article
  • An essay about the experience submitted to the fund committee after project completion for publication on the one of Bentley University’s websites
  • A presentation to the Bentley community
  • An educational art installation on campus

Applications are considered by the Undergraduate Research Travel Fund committee, which consists of members of the Valente Centre Advisory Board and the (associate) dean of Arts & Sciences. 

Information on forms

In order to be considered, you can fill out either a digital or paper application. The paper application a completed grant application [BK3] with appropriate appendices, including a budget request[BK4] . The committee understands that this budget is an estimate. You are required to submit receipts for all funds distributed through the fund to avoid paying taxes on the grant. At the conclusion of your travels, if you have more than $25 leftover, we ask that you return the funds for use by other travel fund grantees.

To apply for a grant of $250 or less, please fill out this short form[BK5] . Please view our FAQ page for more information.

Please submit applications and supplementary materials here Email