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Valente Center

Visiting Research Fellows

Sponsored by the Jeanne and Dan Valente Center and Math Sciences

Victor Lo

Victor S.Y. Lo is a current visiting research fellow sponsored by the Valente Center and the department of Mathematical Sciences at Bentley University. He is expected to organize and attend virtual analytics seminars jointly with Professor Dominique Haughton. He is open to any research collaboration opportunities with faculty members and students at Bentley. While his educational background is in statistics and operations research, his industrial experience includes applying analytics to Marketing, Human Resources, Finance and Risk Management.

Victor is also vice president at Fidelity Investments in Boston, where he has been responsible for financial econometrics, risk management, marketing analytics and customer data mining. Previously, he was vice president and manager of modeling and analysis at FleetBoston Financial, and senior associate at Mercer Management Consulting. Victor has managed quantitative analysts in multiple organizations. In addition to analytics, his work includes bridging the gap between data miners, business analysts, financial and marketing executives by recommending and applying novel techniques and state-of-the-art tools to improve business strategies and risk management.

Victor has a master degree in Operational Research from University of Lancaster, UK, and a PhD in Statistics from the University of Hong Kong. He also received postdoctoral training in Management Science from University of British Columbia. His academic research included applications of probability, statistical, and optimization models in gambling, sports, marketing and quality engineering. Further, he co-authored a graduate level econometric book on horse-racing and published articles in marketing, data mining, statistics, and management science literature. Additionally, he is on the steering committee of the Boston Chapter for INFORMS (the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) and on the editorial board for two academic journals. He is a member of INFORMS, ASA (American Statistical Association), AFA (American Finance Association), and RSS (Royal Statistical Society).

Andrei Korbut

Andrei Korbut is a 2012 Visiting Fellow from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), where he is a graduate student at the Sociology Department and a research fellow at the Center for Fundamental Sociology. Mr. Korbut also teaches courses on "Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis" and "Ethnographic Methods in Social Sciences." His primary interest is ethnomethodology as theoretical and research approach. He is now working on the problem of ethnomethodological conception of constitutive order. Mr. Korbut's research at Bentley includes an analysis of the earlier works by sociologist Harold Garfinkel as well as thorough survey of existing ethnomethodological literature. At Bentley Mr. Korbut will work under the supervision of Prof. Gary David and Prof. Anne Rawls.

Rodrigo Suassuna 

Rodrigo Suassuna is a 2011-2012 Visiting Fellow from the University of Brasilia, Brazil, where he is a PhD candidate. His interests range from ethnomethodology, sociology of emotions, sociology of late-modernity to police-society relations. He is now working on an ethnomethodological study about the meaning of policing and human rights in Brazilian culture. Mr. Suassuna’s research at Bentley includes a) review on the work of sociologist Harold Garfinkel, drawing a systematic link to specific political ideas, and b) a socio- analysis of specific documents of police accountability. During his time here, he will work under the supervision of Prof. Anne Rawls.