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Risk Management



The investigation or settlement of claims against the university should not be undertaken by an individual, department or other unit. If you become aware of a claim, or if someone presents a claim against the university, the claim should be referred to Procurement and Campus Services.

Under no circumstances should an individual, department, or other unit on pay money to settle a claim.

Reporting Instructions
When operating a facility open to the public, things can happen; people may get injured, and property may get damaged. When an incident does occur, you and/or your staff should report all accidents/incidents immediately to University Police (781-891-2201) and report form to Procurement and Campus Services.

The accident/incident report is not an admission of fault by the university. It is a means of gathering information surrounding an injury or damage that occurred. The details provided assist Risk Management in conducting a further investigation of the incident.

Your Responsibilities:

  • Assess the situation and contact appropriate authorities as needed.
  • Document the incident using the accident/incident report.
  • Don't make any promises or financial commitments on behalf of the university.
  • If possible, answer questions or direct them elsewhere. For example, if the harmed party asks, "What is the university going to do about this?" then your response would be, "My responsibility is to document the information." Any questions should be directed to University Police and Risk Management.
General Liability

General Liability insurance covers claims made against the University by a third party, which alleges negligence by the University that caused bodily injury or property damage on Bentley University owned property. All injuries or property damage/loss should be reported to Campus Police and Procurement and Campus Services.

Bentley requires anyone coming on campus to conduct business (non-Bentley employees), perform a service or who is renting space, to provide evidence of general liability coverage by providing a Certificate of Insurance. See Certificate of Insurance for specific requirements. All vendors and contractors must submit Certificates of Insurance to the Purchasing Department and anyone holding an outside event needs to submit a Certificate of Insurance to Conference Services prior to conducting business.

Travel Assistance Program

All international travel for faculty and staff on behalf of Bentley, please refer to this brochure that contains important and helpful information:

Zurich On Call International Global Assistance Program Brochure

Please print and carry the following ID card that contains important information.  This card can be used by faculty, staff, and students.  

Travel ID Card

Students that are participating in the Education Abroad Program should carefully read the handbook provided by the Cronin Office of International Education. You need to check with your health insurance carrier to makes sure that coverage extends to traveling abroad.

Property Insurance

Whenever Bentley property is lost, damaged or stolen, it is the responsibility of the department/individual involved to contact Campus Police and file a police report. Please forward the report to Procurement and Campus Services where the report will be reviewed. If the damage is over our deductible and determined to be a covered loss, a claim will be pursued.

Personal Property

Bentley does not insure the personal property of its students, staff or faculty. Students living on campus should purchase their own renter's insurance if not covered under their parents' homeowners' policy.

Artifacts and Rare Books
  • Risk Management maintains a "special property" inventory of all art and artifacts owned or borrowed by Bentley University.
  • It is imperative that this list be accurate and complete with dates, value, and a clear description and current location of all articles. Any missing information may lead to uninsured losses.
  • Notify Procurement and Campus Services of the relocation, purchase, sale or return of any article that is part of the special property inventory.
Worker's Compensation

All individuals who are employed by Bentley are covered by Workers Compensation, which provides reimbursement to staff for medical expenses and/or wages lost as a result of injuries that occur in the course of conducting business at/for the university.

If you become injured while on the job, you should inform your supervisor of this situation as soon as possible. Your supervisor is responsible for filing a first report of injury with Human Resources, who will then coordinate any insurance benefits resulting from your claim with you.

Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions regarding Workers Compensation.

For more information or questions, please contact us:

Maria Monks Serrao, AVP, Procurement and Campus Services

Linda Muldowney, Senior Procurement and Insurance Analyst, Procurement and Campus Services