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Delongchamp Family Fund

Are you interested in advancing your experience and understanding of sustainability? Apply to the Delongchamp Fund to receive the financial resources you may need to explore the many co-curricular opportunities available!

The Delongchamp Family Endowed Fund supports undergraduates wishing to explore professional and co-curricular opportunities focused on sustainability and the triple-bottom line: people, planet, and profit. This resource provides students with the means to expand their professional network and gain insight on current business initiatives in sustainability. 

How it Works

To be considered the student must demonstrate how their project, internship or conference attendance will impact both their scholarship at Bentley and the greater Bentley community. Students are allowed to apply for up to $1,000 per year.

Applications are considered by the fund committee which meets three times annually. The committee consists of 5-7 Bentley faculty and staff members who are appointed by the Office of Sustainability. Applications for funding are due to the fund committee by midnight on deadline date. Applications should be sent to

Delongchamp Family Fund Committee

How to Apply

For a grant of $100 or less, please fill out this short form:

Delongchamp Family Fund Grant Application Short Form

For grants up to $1000, please fill out this form before the deadlines to be considered:

Delongchamp Family Fund Grant Application

* The committee understands that the budget is an estimate.  You are required to submit receipts for all funds distributed through the fund to avoid paying taxes on the grant.  If you have more than $25 leftover, we ask that you return the funds for other grantees.

zero waste event image

Suggestions for Conferences to Attend

Upcoming Deadline Dates

Sunday, September 15, 2024
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sunday, April 6, 2025
Reginald Fils
I left the conference with a renewed commitment to using my position, whether it be in the private sector or the public sector, for good. Having the opportunity to be in the last public audience that the late Bernard Tyson spoke to will be a memory I will hold dear forever. In the end, I thank you for your generosity which has made an otherwise impossible journey possible.
Reginald Fils '21
AfroTech Conference, Oakland, CA

Delongchamp Awardee Testimonials

Academic year 2023-2024

Nana Kwame Boamah, ‘26 Finance

Harvard African Business Conference: For me, the main sustainability portion of the event that I connected with is the sustainable use of Artificial Intelligence and Technology in advancing African development. In one AI panel, they spoke of many interesting things, such as how the resources that power many of these groundbreaking technologies are found in Africa's backyard but due to powerful colonial legacies they are often taken for ridiculously cheap prices and there is a huge gap in value creation Africa misses out on. In another panel on African development, this intelligent Nigerian professional spoke about how overdependence on modern technology, although more efficient on paper, could further exacerbate Africa's current issues such as the socioeconomic divide as the continent is simply not at a stage it can be overly reliant on technologies. He also mentioned we have a huge informal sector so by not looping those people into the economy in some way, that is millions of unemployed Africans being forced deeper into poverty. Overall, amazing!

Kojo Danquah, ‘24 Finance

Harvard African Business Conference, attending conference was a transformative learning experience. The carefully selected sessions, such as "Climate change and sustainability," aligned perfectly with my goal of expanding my knowledge of cutting-edge sustainability approaches. Through engaging with industry experts and participating in interactive workshops, I gained valuable insights and practical knowledge to integrate into my work. Upon returning, I was able to share my newfound knowledge by having important conversations with the members of my community and implementing sustainable initiatives within my organization through the Bentley African business conference in which we tailored some conversations on sustainability on the Continent. This conference was an exciting opportunity to deepen my understanding of sustainability and contribute to the broader dialogue on sustainable practices. It was truly an amazing experience.

Cassie Dubitsky, ‘24 Global Management, Business Administration and Management

I presented at the 2024 IMPACT Conference in Nacogdoches, Texas, the largest national conference on civic engagement for college students. I learned from experts like Samarys Seguinot Medina, who spoke on microplastics' impact on health and the environment. This was a great extension of my studies with Prof. Ryan Bouldin at Bentley. Alongside peers Elisa Shao and Anthony Mariello, and Brian Shea, we presented "Beyond Charity: Infusing Social Justice into Service-Learning and Civic Engagement," focusing on addressing root causes of sustainability issues through educational institutions. We discussed integrating social justice into community programs to enhance student leadership in sustainability.

Andrea Hilsaca Fernandez, ‘26 Supply Chain Management and Sustainability Science

Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Product Life Cycle Standard eLearning Course was a comprehensive introductory course to conduct life cycle assessments of products. It comprised ten self-paced modules with case studies, interactive content, and practice questions. I gained experience in how companies identify the products to analyze and how to gather and assess data. During the course, I focused on a 100% cotton t-shirt, assessed its product life cycle and emission data, and generated a public report with reduction targets. I found this course insightful, and I am satisfied with my new understanding of the GHG Protocol Standards and Assessments. I would recommend the course to my peers!

Erika Fernandes, ‘26 Marketing and Finance

As an attendee of the Harvard Business Conference in February, I got to experience an engaging and insightful panel discussion on "The Future of Commercial Food and Agribusiness" which addressed the current challenges faced by Africa in agriculture and food security. The panel, featuring experts like Theodore Sutherland, Tamer El-Raghy, Amandla Ooko-Omabaka, Karimi Thuranira, and Willem Meyer, highlighted the serious need for innovation and sustainability in African agribusinesses. The speakers emphasized the significant inefficiencies of small-scale farming and the intensifying threat of climate change. A key takeaway was the idea to focus on modernizing farming techniques and utilizing technology to improve productivity and sustainability. They also discussed strategies for local firms to thrive by focusing on domestic markets despite the appeal of exports, which pose currency risks and opportunity costs. This panel shifted my perspective on the importance of sustainable practices and local focus in securing Africa’s food future.

Jordyn Garrett, ‘24 Business/Managerial Economics

Attending the UNC Clean Tech Conference proved to be an enlightening and transformative experience. It catered to the distinct needs of professionals in the industry and students exploring the world of clean tech. Each session masterfully illustrated the interplay of evolving federal policies on utility, power generation, and battery storage enterprises. Moreover, the conference afforded an unparalleled platform for networking with senior industry professionals. Which is a nice change of pace from the typical networking opportunities provided at Bentley’s Career fair. It was an immersive experience that not only broadened perspectives but also fostered invaluable connections, enriching both personal and professional horizons.

Sid Goel, ‘24 Data Analytics

In late March, I attended the UNC Cleantech Summit. Before attending this conference, I did not anticipate the personal and professional transformation I would undergo. I was exposed to topics such as anxiety surrounding electric vehicles, fusion energy production, and biodegradable utensils. I also heard from clean energy experts, leaders in the North Carolina government, and representatives from the EPA. I gained insight into the true state of environmental justice and its impacts on the lives of Americans. I learned about the intersection of humanity and clean energy and how it affects our everyday life. 

Siri Hollowitch, ’25 Public Policy

Washington Center’s Academic Internship Program as a Research Associate exploring DEI policies. Completing The Washington Center’s Academic Internship Program for my Fall 2023 semester was certainly a highlight of my time at Bentley. Through this program, I was able to enhance my major in public policy with hands-on experience and coursework in Washington D.C. I interned in the Nonprofit sector where I worked on independent research related to diversity in government positions as well as conducted congressional lobbying meetings on a regular basis. This internship allowed me to work for a cause that I am passionate about, as I was able to advocate for marginalized groups who have been historically underrepresented in our political system. This program has most definitely guided me towards a postgraduation career focused on creating change.

Anthony Mariello, ‘24 Economics-Finance Major

Thanks to the Delongchamp Scholarship, I attended and presented at the 2024 IMPACT Conference in Nacogdoches, Texas, which focuses on civic engagement and advocacy among college students. I participated in workshops on global sustainability and learned from Samarys Seguinot Medina about microplastics' impact on oceans and human health. Inspired by her, I reassessed my sustainable practices. I also presented alongside Elisa Shao, Cassie Dubitsky, and Brian Shea, discussing Bentley's Service-Learning model to foster meaningful student engagement in social justice. This scholarship provided an enriching experience, enhancing my academic journey and contributions to the Bentley community. 

Makenna Muigai, ‘26 Economics and Film and Media Studies

The 2024 Harvard African Business Conference was an insightful experience. It offered insights and connections that would benefit the African Business Conference team at Bentley in the future. Some panels delved into pressing issues like climate change, agriculture, and inequality, linking back to my personal interest in combatting climate change on the continent. Attending with the African Business Conference committee provided networking opportunities our team. One panel, "Innovating in ClimateTech to Drive Sustainable Development," showcased pioneers like James Mwangi, highlighting how African ClimateTech drives growth sustainably. These discussions fuel our commitment to sustainability, ensuring our conferences remain vibrant platforms for impactful change.

Kwame Owusu, ‘26 Finance

The Harvard African Business Conference, attended on February 16-17, 2024, showcased cutting-edge insights in diverse business domains. Sustainability took center stage, with panels addressing crucial environmental concerns. Discussions delved into innovative strategies for corporate sustainability, emphasizing circular economy models, renewable energy adoption, and supply chain optimization. Experts underscored the imperative for businesses to integrate sustainability into their core operations, not just as a corporate social responsibility, but as a strategic advantage. Attendees gained valuable perspectives on navigating the intersection of profitability and environmental stewardship, fostering a paradigm shift towards sustainable business practices in the global landscape.

Isa Paiz, ’26 Marketing and Information Design and Corporate Communications

Attending the Upswell conference in Dallas was an experience that went well beyond my expectations. The combination of creative ideas, passionate speakers, and collaborative spirit produced an atmosphere unlike any other. I was thrilled to learn about a range of important topics such as; Innovation, Equity, and the power of corporate engagement. Every moment was an opportunity to gain ideas and make connections, from informative presentations to valuable networking chances. Upswell is more than simply a conference; it was an inspiration for good change, cultivating a community where ideas bloom and meaningful partnerships develop. I'm grateful for the experience and looking forward to the next Upswell adventure.

Augustine Peprah, ‘24 Finance

At the Harvard African Business Conference, I was deeply impacted by the panel "Innovating in ClimateTech to Drive Sustainable Development." The discussion highlighted the disproportionate effects of climate change on Africa, despite the continent contributing less than 4% of global greenhouse emissions. Innovations in ClimateTech are not only crucial for emissions mitigation but are also enhancing resilience against extreme weather and shifting climates in African communities and businesses. Panelists like James Mwangi and Tomiwa Igun presented transformative approaches in creating sustainable, climate-smart enterprises. This panel underscored how social justice is intricately linked with sustainability, illustrating that economic growth and improved living standards in Africa are achievable through focused investments in ClimateTech.

Elisa Shao, ‘24 Computer Information Systems, Minor in Law

I am grateful for the opportunity to travel with Bentley Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Center to the IMPACT Conference in Nacogdoches, Texas. It was inspiring to learn from other service-learning centers and student leaders nationwide. We discussed improving our communities and institutions and gained perspectives from different universities. A key takeaway was addressing Bentley's community as homogeneous or polarized and creating safe, inclusive spaces. I presented with my team and our manager, Brian Shea, on the differences between charity and social justice. The conference was a chance to connect with passionate leaders committed to positive change in the Bentley community and beyond. 

Academic year 2022-2023

Jack Aronson, ’24 Sustainability Science:
Throughout this research opportunity, I have been able to learn and have fun at the same time. While studying the effects of salinity on parasitized and un-parasitized shrimp, I’ve been able to get firsthand experience into what it is like to be a scientist or someone that works in a lab. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me that I have been so thankful to experience. Working alongside talented workers such as Dr. Elizabeth Stoner and Makena Romagnano has truly been a blast while also hard work at the same time. Listen to Jack describe his experience in his own words.

Crystal Chau, ‘23 Business Administration and Management:
Both days of the conference provided unique insights into sustainability and how larger corporations can play a significant role in the future of the world. The first day of the conference highlighted to me how small changes to companies can easily make improvements, such as Coca-Cola’s choice of changing the color of their Sprite bottles, and how these changes can even result in better profit for the company. The second day of the conference highlighted to me the new innovations in technology and how climate change has already directly impacted people in more ways than most people have considered. I found both days of the conference to directly expose problems in the business world today, and how future business leaders can help make a change on a global scale. I am thankful to the Delongchamp Family Fund for sponsoring me and providing me the opportunity to explore topics of sustainability in this unique, out-of-classroom experience. I was not only able to learn from global industry leaders but have an opportunity to pursue a project of interest and build on my professional development.

Maddie Connor, ‘25 Management and Earth Environment and Global Sustainability
The 2023 alternative spring break trip to Arizona which I was sponsored and able to attend due to the Delongchamp fund was one of the most transformative experiences I have had thus far in my Bentley Career. Going into the Arizona trip I was unsure of what to expect but knew that it would be one of my first opportunities to study sustainability in the real world rather than in a classroom and particularly in a region that I had not learned much about in my previous academic career. During my time in Arizona, I was able to meet local activists focused on biodiversity, permaculture, endangered species, habitat protection, native plant species restoration, and several other sustainable initiatives with a particular focus on the unique needs of the southwest. I learned about the importance of this region in the scope of sustainability as a whole and how southwest America is one of the most biodiverse, and important ecosystems in the world while also, being a region that is affected by climate change the most. Leaving my time in Arizona I felt inspired and transformed with precise real-world knowledge to push me further in my sustainability studies and drive me to make a change in my further education and career.

Bridget Maher, ’22 Business Administration and Management:
The Nonprofit Leadership Internship I completed over this past summer was one that pushed me out of my comfort zone. I have never been skilled at fundraising or mobilizing strangers, but this opportunity was one that was both a challenge and a reward for me. The highlight of my internship was getting to participate in a lobbying meeting with one of Senator Warren’s staff, where we informed him about the work of The Borgen Project and made an ask of no less than a 15% increase to the International Affairs Budget. I also had to create a marketing campaign on a topic of my choice, which I chose the importance of contacting Congress since I felt like not a lot of my peers know how much their voice matters! Listen to Bridget describe her experience in her own words.

Anthony Milluzzo, ‘22 Actuarial Science:
Attending the Lake Worth Science Symposium in November 2022 was an amazing experience. At the Symposium, I listened to presentations on conservation initiatives and various ecological trends and presented a poster on seagrass abundance trends in Lake Worth Lagoon. This was one of the most rewarding academic experiences I have had at Bentley. The Symposium showed me how impactful my project is in promoting positive environmental changes to preserve seagrasses in Lake Worth Lagoon. While it is only a small part to promote these changes, my poster increased the public’s awareness of the importance seagrasses play in sustaining coastal marine ecosystems such as Lake Worth Lagoon. Listen to Anthony describe his experience in his own words.

Makenna Muigai,‘26 Business Economics and Media & Culture:
I was selected as a youth advocate to speak at the conference for Climate Change and Environment: Understanding the impact on Pediatric practice to secure our children's future in Nairobi, Kenya. This was an opportunity for stakeholders in the health field to build a bridge and understanding between the knowledge gap in climate change and healthcare. As a conservation advocate, I was selected to speak based on my past advocacy.

Video of Makenna giving her speech

Bobby Olejarczyk, ‘23 Public Policy and Business Studies:
Presenting my Honors capstone – The Variation in Civic Education – at the 2023 National Pi Sigma Alpha Student Research Conference in Washington D.C. afforded me the unique experience to be surrounded by fellow students and professionals of political science in the United States capital. I was pleased to continue the conversation on the role civic education plays in our American democracy. The opportunity poked at my ever-present curiosity as I also engaged in discussions around Immigration, Climate Change, Race, and Politics. I am grateful to have been provided this formative experience by the Delongchamp Fund as it continues to shape my perspectives and aspirations for the future. Listen to Bobby describe his experience in his own words: Click Here

Academic year 2021-2022

Brodie McPherson, ’22, Sustainability Science:
Thanks to an award from the Delongchamp Fund, I was able to attend the Southeast Environment and Recreation Research Conference in Asheville, North Carolina. At this conference, I presented a poster on research that I conducted while studying abroad in Panama that detailed the socioeconomic and environmental challenges that come along with unsustainable wildlife tourism development. This conference was an amazing experience both personally and academically. We were able to use the poster session, which was less formal and more conversational than a conventional research presentation, to network with students and academics who are also interested in sustainability issues. Listen to Brodie describe his experience in his own words.

Academic year 2020-2021

Aaron Aronshtein, ’21 Finance and Environmental Science:
With this funding, I took online courses with the GHG Institute. These courses allowed me to understand hard concepts that are key to my research on a silvopasture reforestation project. For example, learning about the specifics of additionality in carbon crediting is key to the financial feasibility of future projects.

Sneha Durairaj, ’21 Corporate Finance & Accounting/American Studies:
Through this funding, I was able to manage and help secure the long-term operations of my own nonprofit organization, Legally Ours, focused on improving the quality of legal and professional education accessible to local middle schoolers in order to build a society of sustainable, responsible leaders.

Andrew Hollander, ’21 Business/Managerial Economics, Sustainability Science:
Over the past four months, I've been fortunate enough to help out on the RegenX project. I remember the words spoken by Lorraine Smith, writer and independent consultant whose purpose is to contribute to the shift to a regenerative economy, as she described her vision for this new tool, "What we're trying to do is impossible." In trying to turn the impossible into reality, I had the pleasure of working with an international team of diverse experiences. I dove headfirst into the unfamiliar realm of regeneration. Months of planning, research, and discussion led to the RegenX Scenario Tool prototype.

Prerana Mistry, ’22 Economic-Finance:
I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be an intern for Global Smile Foundation this summer. GSF goes to underdeveloped countries around the world to offer patient care to children that have birth deformities that are near the mouth. This company is giving children the ability to speak and eat properly, which is something that most people take for granted. The internship gave me perspective on the socio economic issues that are prevalent around the world. It showed me that the economy as a whole can prosper when underprivileged families are aided with mouth surgeries. This is because that child will no longer be a burden in the house and has the potential to earn wages. Due to the pandemic, I was mostly working remotely by helping them with the website. However, when I did go into the office, I was able to listen and offer my input on the company's next projects. I have gained an immense amount of knowledge on social sustainability through this experience that was funded through the Delongchamp Fund.

Academic year 2019-2020

Yasmeen Alwani: 
Socially Responsible Investing Conference, Colorado Springs, CO provided an opportunity to learn about how sustainability is a new discipline shaping the entire financial industry and the impact it drives on a global scale. This three-day event had over 1,000industry professionals, 50seminars, 100, sponsors, 30 scholar recipients, and more. It brought together a community of thought leaders, industry experts, and young talent with similar values into a space to discuss the evolution of SRI and its influence on the current and future investment landscape. It was incredibly inspiring, empowering, and motivating to attend alongside some of the brightest minds and share my experience to the Bentley community and through Bentley Sustainable Investment Group.

​​​​​​Alexandra Banasiewicz:
Students for Zero Waste Conference in Philadelphia, PA an incredibly eye-opening experience. Not only was it beneficial to get perspectives outside of those at Bentley, but I also benefited from being able to learn from people further on their zero waste journeys. Additionally, the intersectionality at the event was integral to providing context to our discussions and reducing waste on campus. Seeing where waste fits in to broader issues such as poverty, racism, and inequality was very helpful. I now have a better understanding of tactical solutions as well as the up-stream issues that cause and increase waste.  

Sara Buitrago Montoya:
Sustainability Bags for Residents 

Christina Cramer:
Net Impact conference, Detroit, MI was my first time attending and it was well worth it. I left with a fresh perspective on business, particularly with regard to sustainability and how possible it is to incorporate sustainability practices into a successful business. The speakers and workshops were very engaging, and I was able to make connections to other like-minded students and professionals in all sectors. I left with a drive to utilize my strengths and resources to engage the challenge of changing the world for the better. I felt the need to further connect my passion to my purpose.

Vanessa Dam:
At the 2019 Sustainability Student Leadership Symposium (SSLS) at Brandeis University, I had the chance to hear from and interact with students from several universities in New England to learn about their creative initiatives that represent their commitment to the environment. I was particularly intrigued by Tufts' Meatless Monday and MIT's "Waste Watchers" because of how they embedded an education aspect into their fun and easy-to-understand practices. I enjoyed SSLS because the focus on student life made the subject of sustainability less intimidating to me and encourages me to make small changes that are still impactful.

Reginald Fils:
The AfroTech Conference was simply transformative, this experience allowed me to see myself reflected in thought-leaders from around the world who want to use marketing, tech, and business to make the world more equitable, more just, and more accessible for marginalized communities. I left the conference with a renewed commitment to using my position, whether it be in the private sector or the public sector, for good. Having the opportunity to be in the last public audience that the late Bernard Tyson spoke to will be a memory I will hold dear forever. In the end, I thank you for your generosity which has made an otherwise impossible journey possible. 

Rebecca Heller:
Attending the PLAN conference on Zero Waste advocacy was a great opportunity to gain a new perspective that I was unable to find at Bentley. The Delongchamp fund allowed me to invest in my interests and expand on the fantastic business knowledge that Bentley has provided to begin working towards solutions to global problems. Gaining knowledge from a group of students who come from a different perspective and comparing solutions was something that I found to be incredibly rewarding. The Delongchamp fund allowed me the opportunity to expand my horizons and round out my education and I am incredibly grateful.

Matthew Larkin: 
As an attendee of Net Impact’s Impact Investing Series, I was introduced to so many different paths that I could pursue in the world of sustainable development, such as ESG portfolio management, economic consulting, and sustainable data analysis. Net Impact’s professional chapter in Boston was able to bring in company founders, institutional investors, and college professors who all share a common passion for making a positive social change. With a small group of about 20-25 industry professionals and student search week, I was able to receive one on one advice in regards to my own passions and how exactly I should pursue them. This was an amazing event that only furthered my interest in making an environmentally conscious impact on the business world as an undergraduate student and beyond.

Bella Natale: 
During the weekend of 10/24/2019 - 10/26/2019, I was fortunate to attend the 2019 Net Impact conference in Detroit, MI, thanks to the Delongchamp Fund at Bentley University. I am so grateful that I was able to take advantage of a fund that provided me with the support to be able to explore my intended career path. This experience provided me the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to responsible, sustainable, and ethical business. I am proud to be a part of this community of global change makers and cannot wait to integrate what I have learned into my professional career!

Jillian Offermann:
While at the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), I produced multiple videos for children looking for adoptive homes. This was a challenging and rewarding experience. This internship allowed me to work independently, while also offering creative freedom. Each child had their own story and it was my job to produce a video that effectively displayed their unique personalities. It was amazing to see how resilient these children are, making me even more determined in my own work. They were a constant reminder as to why I chose to work in the non-profit sector and why I love what I do. 

Joshua Pickelny:
The 2019 Net Impact Conference was by far the most beneficial experience I have been provided while at Bentley. While I knew that I wanted to study economics and sustainability while in school, I was unaware of the specific path I wanted to follow to evoke change.  By attending the Net Impact Conference, I was able to network with professionals across many disciplines and learn about how they made a positive impact through their work. These ranged from sustainable investing and consulting, to public policy and alternative energy. I now have a better understanding of how I can make a difference. In addition to that, it also served as a mental recharge. Being surrounded by likeminded individuals with similar dedication to the world, it renewed my faith in the outlook for the future. Overall, it was an outstanding experience to be inspired and taught by those equally as passionate about change.

Diana Solares:
I was fortunate to attend the 2019 Net Impact conference in Detroit, MI. This experience provided me the opportunity to connect with professionals and students who have the drive to create change in the workplace and in the world. I am proud to be a part of this community that will continue to make a positive social, environmental, and economic impact! Being able to attend Net Impact conference this year expanded my desire to help underprivileged communities and gave me the opportunity to network and meet with leaders that are making concrete and constant changes to improve different communities. After attending the conference, I realized how much change could be done. The conference inspired me to continue working towards my deep desire to change people’s life in a positive way, especially, to help those who need it the most.

Academic year 2018-2019

Brenden Botehlo:
As a Public Policy major, interested in renewable energy and the future of sustainability the conference was a wonderful experience. The sustainable programs and initiatives that are discussed at a macro level in the news have to be implemented by real living people. At the Mass Sustainable Communities Conference, I had the opportunity to hear from the mayors, city administrators, and organization executives that are leading the charge to make real change through pragmatic leadership. Most notably getting to meet the Mayor of Cambridge and hearing about the changes he has been implementing in public transit. An area of which I am particularly interested in studying and working in as a look to life after Bentley.

Christina Clune Persichetti:
The Social Enterprise Conference at Harvard University provided a unique opportunity to learn how a variety of “social enterprises” mobilized their resources and network to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues, such as increased global inequalities and environmental conservation. Social and environmental issues are complex and at times incomprehensibly challenging to solve, but the conference explored various strategies to make an organization as effective as possible in its pursuit to solve many of these issues. This conference outlined the role we all need to play, from the individual to large corporations, in tackling the world’s most important and complex problems.

Roma Gujarathi:
As a graduating senior, I wanted to leave one last mark on Bentley University campus, and the Delongchamp grant allowed me to do so. Through the Masks We Wear event, I was able to connect with community members with whom I would not have otherwise engaged. I was able to have meaningful conversations with these people, learning about which pressures they feel here. The outstanding takeaway for me, however, was that even if we don’t often discuss these ‘masks’ with our peers, we are not alone in feeling these societal pressures. Many Bentley students feel anxious about the hypercompetitive environment and many feel the need to always appear happy. I hope the participants in this project learned that if they if want to discuss these issues, they are not alone, and that peers can support them.

Gia Hoa Lam:
Attending the Student Sustainability Leadership Symposium allowed me to see what other schools are doing in sustainability and really puts into perspective how diverse the field really is. It also highlights how complex of an issue sustainability can be just by the culture of a university. The conference made me realize that solutions come from letting students and people at the front lines of sustainability issues have a seat at the table.

Zachary Jacobs:
The 2019 Net Impact Summit was an amazing experience. I attended a seminar about impact investing, which sparked a great amount of interest as a potential career path for me. Even the seminars that did not pertain to my goal career path were very interesting and they all tie into each other in the big picture. It was an incredible experience to be around so many industry professionals all who work around sustainability. Their passion and knowledge was radiating and inspiring, and I am very hopeful for my future seeing how much they all enjoyed their professions.

Tatiana Naclerio:
My experience at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Kennesaw State University was truly impactful. I have worked on my research on microplastics and pharmaceutical contaminants in the environment for over eight months. To be able to present it to individuals who were also interested in sustainability and the impacts global climate change has on human health was an extremely gratifying experience. I presented a poster to other undergraduate students and faculty from a variety of universities at the conference regarding my research results as well as answered questions and discussed other potential methods to look into for the future. I was able to network with other undergraduate students who were did similar research and this provides me the opportunity to collaborate with them in the future. Thank you to the Delongchamp Family for making this experience possible and I am excited to continue my research.

Gianni Pohlemus:
At the Outdoor Retailer Snow Show, I was able to meet representatives from some of the largest sustainability focused apparel manufacturers in th:
e world. I was able to talk with and make connections with material providers with environment and labor conscious practices. Interesting, I observed a gap between low minimum suppliers of sustainable raw textiles for the demand in the US market. In my venture planning, I am considering how this opportunity can pivot my business strategy.

Large corporations are shifting high volume sellers focused on sustainable innovation. After this conference, I had a better understanding market demand and supply. I am lucky for the opportunity you granted me and I hope to contribute to a rising sustainability tide at Bentley.

Sophie Rodgers:
On March 3, 2019 I was given the ability to attend the Student Sustainability Leadership Symposium which was held at Brandeis University. This was a one-day conference that was entirely student run. Students from Northeast schools all came together, including students from University of Connecticut, Amherst College, and Tufts. My favorite aspect about this conference was learning from student leaders in sustainability from other schools. Working for the Office of Sustainability and being a part of Students for Sustainable Business, I am always interested in seeing how other schools are incorporating sustainability and gaining awareness. I was also able to connect with student leaders, allowing my network of students interested in the same goals to grow.

Maxwell Urda:
Yale Impact Investing Conference

Baljmaa Zorig:
I attended the 2019 Boston Net Impact Summit in February with help of generous aid provided by DeLongchamp Family Fund. It was my first time attending the conference organized by Net Impact Boston Chapter and the conference covered wide range of topics including sustainability, inclusion, and diversity. Attending the conference allowed me not only to hear the industry leaders from each panel, but also to network and meet with like-minded people who are passionate about sustainability. This experience encouraged me to take actions and start a Net Impact Chapter at Bentley University for graduate students to advocate sustainability among our fellow students.