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Your Office

The average working adult aged 25- to 50 spends 8.8 hours in the office each day.  While you are there think about the ways that you could reduce your impact.


  • Use a power strip to place all your electrical plugs into the same socket so that you can easily turn them all off and on.
  • Consider using table & desk lamps instead of harsh overhead fluorescent lights
  • Switch any regular light bulbs in desk side lamps to LED or CFL light bulbs.
  • Set your computer to "Power Saver" to save your computer battery and reduce energy.
  • Forgo a screensaver; no screensaver means less energy spent on unnecessary animation when you are away from your computer.
  • Physically shut your computer down at night and if you are going to be away for a long time; the extra time it takes to turn it on is nothing compared to the energy saved.
  • When leaving for a short period of time shut the monitor or put your computer on "sleep" - this saves energy and increases privacy.