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University Life

Falcon Family Fridge

The Falcon Family Fridge is Bentley's version of a Community Fridge. The concept is simple - anyone in the community can donate food, and anyone in the community can take food. We operate by the principle: "Take what you need, leave what you can."

Located outside Jennison, on the lowest level on the corner with Smith, the Falcon Family Fridge is a freestanding outdoor structure with shelves for large plastic bins to hold dry goods, and it also contains a full fridge for perishable goods. It's located near a shuttle stop and close to the 15-minute parking spots for convenience. Please bring your own bag to carry goods home with you.

Please review our guidelines for appropriate donations.

This initiative is just one way Bentley community members can be a force for good. Please contribute what you can, and take what you need!

Here's where to find us:

University Map

Contribute to this initiative by purchasing some of our most needed items on our Amazon Wish List! Items purchased from this list will be delivered directly to the unit so we can keep our supply of goods steady. Community members can still bring goods on their own to the unity, and we encourage you to do so especially for perishable items that cannot be fulfilled via the Wish List.

Interested in helping out? Sign up here to receive notifications when supplies are low.

Questions? Contact or reach out directly to Christine Lookner, Associate Dean of Student Equity and Inclusion (

Swipe Out Hunger Program

What is the Swipe Out Hunger Program?

Swipe Out Hunger is a program designed to provide support to Bentley University students who are experiencing food insecurity and educate our campus community about this important topic.

Our program was designed using recommended best practices provided by the national Swipe Out Hunger organization which is a national non-profit that supports colleges in developing programs to meet the needs of food insecure students. To find out more, please visit

The Bentley University Swipe Out Hunger program application is active from the second week of the semester until the end of finals week each semester.

How does it work?

How does the student receive a requested meal swipe? 

Within two business days of the request submission, the Swipe Out Hunger Committee reviews the request. If the request is approved, the requested number of meal swipes will be added to the student's Bentley ID. They will receive an email from Swipe Out Hunger Committee letting them know their meal swipes are available to use. 
If the request is not awarded, the student will be notified via an email from the Swipe Out Hunger Committee of that determination.

What happens after a student submits a request to receive donated meal swipe?

Once the student completes the meal swipe request form, the meal swipe request is reviewed and awarded as determined by the Bentley Swipe Out Hunger Committee. The committee is comprised of Bentley staff members who work in various student-facing departments within Bentley University. All requests are confidential. 

How often can a student request a meal swipe?

Students can request meal swipes as often as they need, up to 25 meal swipes per semester. 

Where can the meal swipes be used on campus?

A meal swipe can be used in The 921. The 921 is an all-you-can-eat-experience with a wide variety of healthy foods. The 921 is open and available to all students and is located in the Student Center. 

What are the resources for students to address need when the University is closed?

Unfortunately Bentley does not have the resources to support students with meals during the break periods when the university is closed because Bentley Dining is not operating during that time. 

However, we have created this resource guide which describe other resources available to members of the Waltham Community. 

The City of Waltham lists local resources to address this need on their website here. 

How to apply?

What are the eligibility requirements to receive a donated meal swipe?

Any Bentley student experiencing food insecurity is eligible for this program. 

How does a student apply for donated meal swipes?

Students can request meal swipes by completing this simple form. 

Request a meal swipe here:

How to donate?

How does the meal swipe donation program work?

Meal swipes and Falcon Funds, which are turned into meal swipes, are donated by Bentley students, faculty and staff by completing an online form. Students with meal plans can donate up to five meal swipes per semester. Donations can be made by students here. Faculty and staff can donate here. Graduate students and undergraduates without meal plans can donate here. 

How many meal swipes can an undergraduate student with a meal plan donate? How can they donate?

Students can donate up to 5 meal swipes per semester. Donations can be made by undergraduate students with meal plans here. 

How can a graduate student donate to this program?

Students can donate Falcon Funds to help support the program. Donations can be made by graduate students here. 

How can an undergraduate student without a meal plan donate to this program?

Students can donate Falcon Funds to help support the program. Donations can be made by undergraduate students here. 

How do I add funds to my Falcon Funds?

If you would like to add Falcon Funds to your account so you have funds to donate, click here.

Have additional questions?

Other Resources for Community Members

Here at Bentley, both undergraduate and graduate students face a variety of difficulties and needs that often go unseen. We are committed to making Bentley a place where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive, which means providing and assisting with resources. We recognize that creating an equitable community means supporting students with whatever their needs may be. Here you can find on-campus and local to Waltham resources. Information on this list includes food, clothing, housing, hygiene and safer sex materials and financial assistance resources.

Local Waltham Food Pantries: 

Low-Cost Clothing:

  • Global Thrift
    322 Moody St, Waltham, MA
    (781) 891-5577
  • Waltham Clothing Exchange
    50 Church Street, Waltham MA
  • Miss Major’s Closet
    Created with the intention to provide gender affirming clothing for transgender and gender non-conforming students, Miss Major’s closet is a free resource for clothing, shoes, and accessories. The closet is located in the Gender and Sexuality Student Lounge (GSSL) in the Student Center at Bentley.


  • Menstrual Products
    Menstrual hygiene products can be found across campus in public restrooms, including gender neutral bathrooms.
  • Safer Sex Materials
    At Bentley - Safer sex materials such as condoms can be found at the Health Center, along with educational resources and health screenings.
    Locally – Planned Parenthood Greater Boston Health Center – Birth control, STI testing, abortion
    1055 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
    (800) 258-4448

Harm Reduction:

  • End Overdose - Low-cost fentanyl strips, overdose response training, free nalaxone
  • Boston Public Health Commission
    Overdose training, Narcan, HIV, Hepatitis, STI testing, needle exchange
    Accessing Narcan (BPHC advice)
    ▫ Access through the Pharmacy via Statewide Standing Order. Go to your local pharmacy and request a Narcan Rescue Kit.
    ▫ Obtain a prescription from your doctor.
    ▫ Attend and complete a BPHC Overdose Prevention training. (Limited supply available.)
  • Harm Reduction Information: 

Financial Assistance:

  • Bentley Student Hardship Fund
    The Student Hardship Fund is a resource for students experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties. Students can receive up to approximately 500 dollars. Students are eligible for circumstances that inhibit their ability to be in school such as a needing to fly home for a family

Waltham Resources:

  • Watch CDC: Waltham Community Resource Guide
    The Waltham Community Resource Guide is a comprehensive list of resources for residents. On this page you can find information on housing, emergency assistance, food, healthcare, financial help, education, job assistance, and more.